Skip the startup learning curve and launch your products faster

Set your startup for long term success by taking advantage of industry experts and proven frameworks.

Why Glovendor?

Created by the entrepreneurs, for the entrepreneurs!

Factory Prices

Maximize profits with factory prices and skip the middleman.


Stay on top of your supply chain due diligence with compliance specialists’ advice.

Real-time Tracking

Have full visibility of your supply chain and check project statuses from anywhere.

Business Success Center

Get access to resources and experts to set you and your brand up for success both in and outside of supply chain.


Eliminate the trial and error phase and achieve product perfection in early days.

Here is the truth - launching a new product is not easy. There are mistakes to be made and there can be prolonged periods of trial and error especially if you are new to the supply chain world. That’s where Glovendor comes into play with our dedicated product launch specialists who understand the mistakes startups make and will help you avoid them. We have successfully launched thousands of products using AI and robust production planning. We take care of the product technicalities, vendor communications, and testing while getting regular feedback and approvals from you.


Get hand held to the finish line by a dedicated supply chain team.

We are here for your entire journey. Our founders were serial entrepreneurs and understand how complex the supply chain world is and Glovendor was launched for the purpose of giving brands the freedom and time to focus on their strengths while letting us handle the supply chain side of things.


Your one-stop solution for diverse procurement needs

Sporting Goods
Consumer Goods

Case Studies

Pashn Sports

Learn how this Christian sporting brand launched a multi-country golf gloves and tumbler line in record time

Learn More

Get started today with Glovendor’s startup friendly pricing plans