Reimagining the supply chain infrastructure

Learn how we are creating a world where brands reach their full potential by transforming their supply chain.

Our Mission

"To help brands
thrive by transforming their supply chains."

How a single breakthrough sparked a global supply chain revolution

As intrepid entrepreneurs, our founders have ventured all over the world. But in creating new companies, they learned first-hand how the supply chain world was riddled with yawning gaps and ridiculous pitfalls. Rather than throw their hands up in frustration, they viewed this sorry state of affairs as a tremendous opportunity: if supply chains can be designed to achieve its full potential, companies and individuals can realize their full potentials, too.

The key? Start by constructing a vast network of proven partners from all disciplines and backgrounds –extraordinary people whose talents can sync together perfectly. Then use this broad infrastructure to create and precisely coordinate the ideal team of vendors, experts, technologies, and resources to meet any project challenge.

Once the right connections are made in the right way, it creates the perfect supply chain arrangement, and the magic happens: Entrepreneurs can now advance their ventures more rapidly. SMBs can now slash costs and inefficiencies. Enterprises can now accomplish their strategic goals more effectively. Non-profits and governments can now access powerful resources for greater social impacts. (Not bad for a single breakthrough!)  

Our vision is to create a world in which diverse industries, cultures and geographic locations can be served by an ever-expanding global infrastructure of first-rate vendors, products, and services. We’re genuinely thrilled at how dramatically Glovendor has already changed lives for both the end users and our partners. We’d love for you to join us, too, on this amazing journey – because there’s so much more yet to come!

Glovendor's journey so far



We are open-minded and flexible to new challenges as we believe that performance through improvements in our processes of efficiency, productivity and quality control is the key to our growth and innovation.


Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. We win with the joint effort of our team, clients, and our partners in the global marketplace.


When our clients win, we win. We take ownership of the process from start to finish. We provide the commitment and support needed to help our clients succeed.


We are transparent and honest in all our dealings and hold ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standards. This is why our clients, vendors and partners trust us.

Community service

Giving back to the community is something we genuinely care about as we define our success not only by our clients' successes but also by the impact we make on the less fortunate in our communities.

Glovendor has a broad vision and I truly believe Glovendor is on the trajectory to become the next big thing in the supply chain management and procurement industry.

Michael D.


VP of Lamzada


Creating a difference

Charity partnerships

We like to support charities who are out there to help the less fortunate with food, education, healthcare, homes, and disaster relief.

How can we help you

Developing world job creation

Many developing countries do not have enough high-paying jobs for their workforce. We create jobs in the countries we source from and offer competitive pay to talented individuals.

How can we help you

New entrepreneur sponsorships

Sometimes new entrepreneurs have low budgets. Therefore, we offer sponsorships to select entrepreneurs for their initial orders they need so they can take advantage of supply chain outsourcing which increases their chances of success.

How can we help you

Small vendor trainings

In our day-to-day job, we come across many talented small vendors who provide amazing products and services but lack the infrastructure and professionalism to compete at the global stage. We train committed vendors who show potential and introduce them to the international stage.

How can we help you

Harness the power of supply chain transformation